Our Services

We offer a range of services to patients registered with our clinic:

  • Consultation and follow-up with a healthcare professional by appointment;
  • Minor emergency medical consultation ;
  • Follow-up and nursing care by appointment;

Follow-up visits

Clinique médicale des Collines operates on an “adapted access” basis, which means it offers timely access to health care and services. Several time slots with your doctor or nurse practitioner (NP) are available for urgent or short-term appointments. Another portion of the time slots is reserved for follow-up appointments booked in advance.

When you book an appointment, it’s important to specify the reason for the consultation and to give enough details so that we can offer you the right appointment with the right healthcare professional.

We work as a team. If your doctor or nurse practitioner (NP) is not available, we will offer you an appointment with another member of the clinic’s group of professionals. You may also be referred to the minor emergency clinic.

Important information for your appointment:

  • We recommend that you arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment time.
  • Please have your health insurance card with you at all times.
  • Bring an up-to-date list of your medications.
  • Prepare your list of questions and advise the health-care professional of them at the beginning of the appointment; this will help us target your needs for the appointment, and prioritize the various requests.
  • If you are consulting for vaccination or desensitization, allow 30 minutes (or as instructed by your healthcare professional) after your appointment for monitoring purposes.

Minor emergencies

Important information about the minor emergency clinic:

  • The minor emergency clinic is available for one-off or minor problems, with appointment, for patients registered with the clinic;
  • Examples of cases handled: minor infections (otitis, urinary tract infection, bronchitis), minor injuries, work-related accidents, acute eye problems (foreign body, eye pain, etc.), etc.
  • If you have a family doctor or nurse practitioner (NP) at another clinic, please contact them to find out about their availability.
  • Always carry your health insurance card.
  • Bring an up-to-date list of your medications.
  • Prepare your list of questions and advise the health-care professional of them at the start of the appointment; this will help us target your needs for the appointment, and prioritize the various requests.
  • Please note that no renewals of narcotics or controlled-use medications (e.g. psychostimulants) will be performed at the minor emergency clinic.
  • If you are suffering from a serious and urgent condition (chest pain, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, etc.), go to an emergency room or call 911.

Uninsured medical services

In Quebec, most medical services are covered by the public health insurance plan, when the professional consulted participates in this plan. Covered services are those that are medically necessary; they are paid for by the Régie and can be rendered at several locations.

To benefit from these services, you must present a valid health insurance card. If your card has expired, please contact RAMQ at 1 800 561-9749 or click here

However, some services are not insured under the Quebec Health Insurance Act, such as asking your doctor to fill out certain insurance forms, or when the services are not related to the prevention or cure of disease.

If a health care professional demands payment, make sure you get a detailed bill, understand it and pay only for services that are not covered. If you believe you’ve been wrongly billed, keep your bill and proof of payment. A claim for reimbursement can then be submitted to RAMQ.

The fee schedule for non-insured medical services rendered by the clinic’s physicians is posted in the waiting room, in accordance with RAMQ recommendations.

Please note that many of these services are taxable.